Saturday, 14 November 2009


With winter approaching, the long dark nights and short days that follow it, I have been feeling trapped at home lately. I try to think of things to do and places to go, but my creativity doesn't stretch very far right now.

It's the early winter that disappoints. It comes and goes.
It snows, it melts, it snows, it melts. Last week brought lots of fog followed by subzero temperatures, the perfect recipe for amazing frost!


Sunday, 01 November 2009

Creative Chaos

My biggest worry while at home with my kids (besides figuring out what to cook and how to cook it!) is trying to keep them entertained.
I don't mind the cleaning and tidying up, in fact I see it as a sort of challenge trying to create order out of chaos. I feel a sense of panic when one of the first things Henrik asks me in the morning is what we're going to do today and when am I going to play with him in his room? I don't know. I haven't a clue.
We should be doing something which stimulates their minds while at the same they'll grow up thinking they have a great dad and what fun it was to be at home.
But my mind comes to a standstill. I can think of a hundred things and at the same time nothing at all. So when I answer Henrik's question it's usually with: "Eeeh..."

On Friday we tried being artistic. I taped some paper to the floor and we all had a hand in trying to not let any white paper show through. I think this picture describes what it's like at home at the moment.

One of the artists