Sunday, 26 July 2009

Little Archer

How did I get Henrik to spend more time outside? I bought him a bow and some arrows and now it's difficult to get him to go inside!
He definitely has a knack for it.

Henrik 006

Monday, 20 July 2009


Dramatic sky over Bringåsen on one of our weekend walks. Did we bring the raingear?


Sunday, 12 July 2009


Why not have some waffles at the local summer café on a rainy day? Henrik just can't get enough of them.

Henrik 005

Henrik Rhiannon 002

Sunday, 05 July 2009


Finally a picture of the whole family together! Not the easiest job to get everyone together including Tasse the cat. Rhiannon wants to practice walking, Lorienne has to help Rhiannon practice walking (see picture further down), Henrik doesn't like being photographed any more, Tasse has mice to chase and I'm trying to get the camera and flashes to do what I want them to.


Practice, practice, practice...