They must be the most successful, virile and irritating plant (weed!) that lives around these parts. Anything you do to them just makes them come back stronger. They start out a pretty yellow, but soon afterwards - if you're not fast enough with the lawnmower - they grow a white afro which would put Don King to shame. The white "afro" consists of countless seeds designed to fly around your garden and build green nests where they spawn new flowers to continue their campaign. The Campaign of taking over our lawn completely.
I swear these little guys actually duck when they see the lawnmower. If I mow the lawn in the evening then sure enough they're back again the next morning. In fact, yesterday one of them spontaniously "puffed" all of it's seeds towards millions of different potential nesting sites just seconds before I shredded it with my 4-stroke 125cc Stiga with a mulcher function. Coincidence? I think not. It did it just to irritate me. To have the last word.
Last year I made a point of pulling them out by their roots to rid myself of them for good. Well guess where most of them grow now?
I give up. Yellow is a nice colour isn't it?
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